Frequently* Asked Questions
Q: Are you really an angel/the devil?
A: Absolutely we are. 100%
Q: Where do I send my questions for advice to?
Q: I'm a Christian, I find your site offensive
A: Ok there buddy, that's not a question, but seriously, we are Christians too. Even the Devil has to believe in Christianity -- otherwise the Devil wouldn't exist...or maybe it's the other way around...anyway, God gave us all a sense of humour, so go work on that ok?
Q: What the crap is 'bleehar'?
A: What the crap isn't bleehar?
Q: I'd like to comment -- but can't find where to make a comment
A: Well, it's frickin' amazing that two ethereal beings are managing a blog to begin with...let alone understand or care what a computer does, so don't expect perfection. There is a comments link, but unfortunately after someone has commented, the text for the link goes black and this makes it quite difficult to see. The comments are there. You just have to search for them.
Q: I followed your advice and it ruined my life / landed me in jail / caused some other unspecified detriment. I'm gonna sue!
A: Ok, again, not a question. But here's a question for you: why on earth are you actually following advice on what is clearly a satirical website? And how much did you pay for said advice? Exactly. Now as for your threats of legal action, one of us is a lawyer (guess which one!), and our free legal advice is: you don't have a case.
* no one has asked us any whole 'frequently' and 'asked' part is total garbage. I should have put 'question's no one's asked yet but might...?' I don't think anyone would have clicked on that though, do you?